"The lords of a vast oil empire are buying up our entire democracy with a fraction of their fortune."
May 31, 2014
Rand Paul Suddenly Unsure If Obamacare Should Be Completely Repealed
"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has joined Mitch McConnell in suggesting that Kentucky could maintain its Obamacare exchange if health care reform is repealed, saying that he’s “not sure” if the new marketplace (Kynect) should be unraveled. Paul’s comments come as a growing number of Republicans aim to repackage the key tenets of President Obama’s health care law as unique state solutions, designed and built by state officials far away from Washington D.C."
"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has joined Mitch McConnell in suggesting that Kentucky could maintain its Obamacare exchange if health care reform is repealed, saying that he’s “not sure” if the new marketplace (Kynect) should be unraveled. Paul’s comments come as a growing number of Republicans aim to repackage the key tenets of President Obama’s health care law as unique state solutions, designed and built by state officials far away from Washington D.C."
Just Four Out Of 80 Candidates Endorsed By The Tea Party Are Women
"Conservatives and the Republican Party as a whole have developed a reputation for attacks on women."
"Conservatives and the Republican Party as a whole have developed a reputation for attacks on women."
Terri Lynn Land shows why the FCC needs to save the internet
"We clearly do not want the fate of the internet in the hands of people like Terri Lynn Land. And she's probably not alone in her ignorance. Chances are there's a good chunk of Congress that's already been elected that couldn't answer the question any better."
"We clearly do not want the fate of the internet in the hands of people like Terri Lynn Land. And she's probably not alone in her ignorance. Chances are there's a good chunk of Congress that's already been elected that couldn't answer the question any better."
Republicans in Congress helping big telecom try to kill net neutrality
"This does tell us one encouraging thing: the telecoms think the threat of reclassification is real. It is real because of the huge public outcry in the past month to save net neutrality through reclassification. We've pushed hard enough that the FCC is seriously considering it, and AT&T and Verizon and Comcast are scared. Let's keep it that way."
"This does tell us one encouraging thing: the telecoms think the threat of reclassification is real. It is real because of the huge public outcry in the past month to save net neutrality through reclassification. We've pushed hard enough that the FCC is seriously considering it, and AT&T and Verizon and Comcast are scared. Let's keep it that way."
There Are No More Honest Conservatives, So Stop Looking For One | The Nation
There Are No More Honest Conservatives, So Stop Looking For One | The Nation
"Sure, the right in previous decades was jam-packed with the same sorts of haters, hustlers, hacks and conspiratorial lunatics that are familiar to us now. But there were lively exceptions."
"Sure, the right in previous decades was jam-packed with the same sorts of haters, hustlers, hacks and conspiratorial lunatics that are familiar to us now. But there were lively exceptions."
U.S. Residential Solar Just Beat Commercial Installations For The First Time
"The first quarter of 2014 was another big one for the U.S. solar industry, with 74 percent of all new electricity generation across the country coming from solar power. The 1,330 megawatts of solar photovoltaics (PV) installed last quarter bring the total in the U.S. up to 14.8 gigawatts of installed capacity — enough to power three million homes, according to GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)."
"The first quarter of 2014 was another big one for the U.S. solar industry, with 74 percent of all new electricity generation across the country coming from solar power. The 1,330 megawatts of solar photovoltaics (PV) installed last quarter bring the total in the U.S. up to 14.8 gigawatts of installed capacity — enough to power three million homes, according to GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)."
Nuclear-waste facility on high alert over risk of new explosions
"US authorities concluded last week that at least 368 drums of waste at the site could be susceptible to the chemical reaction suspected to have caused a drum to rupture there in February."
"US authorities concluded last week that at least 368 drums of waste at the site could be susceptible to the chemical reaction suspected to have caused a drum to rupture there in February."
Undue Influence: BP Has A Friend In Scalia
Undue Influence: BP Has A Friend In Scalia
"As if we needed further evidence that the right has largely succeeded in its campaign to politicize the American judiciary on behalf of corporate power"
"As if we needed further evidence that the right has largely succeeded in its campaign to politicize the American judiciary on behalf of corporate power"
House Republicans Vote Down Amendment Aimed At Curbing Wage Theft
House Republicans Vote Down Amendment Aimed At Curbing Wage Theft
"Once again House Republicans prove that they have absolutely no interest in even pretending that they're interested in looking out for the working class as opposed to the 1 percent that are lining their campaign coffers."
"Once again House Republicans prove that they have absolutely no interest in even pretending that they're interested in looking out for the working class as opposed to the 1 percent that are lining their campaign coffers."
Stiglitz: Tax-Dodging, Corporate Welfare Destroying US Economy | Common Dreams
Stiglitz: Tax-Dodging, Corporate Welfare Destroying US Economy | Common Dreams
"The proven ability of the nation's wealthiest individuals and corporations to collude with the federal government in order to avoid paying massive amounts in federal taxes, says economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, is not simply unfair and unprecedented but is actually destroying the broader economy and the nation's once-heralded prosperity."
"The proven ability of the nation's wealthiest individuals and corporations to collude with the federal government in order to avoid paying massive amounts in federal taxes, says economist and Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, is not simply unfair and unprecedented but is actually destroying the broader economy and the nation's once-heralded prosperity."
What Have We Learned About Austerity Since the Great Recession?
"The takeaway for policymakers is simple. Fiscal stimulus is a much more powerful tool in today’s economy than we previously thought, and the austerity policies we have been pursuing are even more costly."
"The takeaway for policymakers is simple. Fiscal stimulus is a much more powerful tool in today’s economy than we previously thought, and the austerity policies we have been pursuing are even more costly."
Feds Leave Radioactive Waste Stranded In Wildfire Danger Zone | Common Dreams
Feds Leave Radioactive Waste Stranded In Wildfire Danger Zone | Common Dreams
"At least 3,706 cubic meters of radioactive waste are being stored at the Los Alamos National Laboratory complex after the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, an underground nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico, was shut down indefinitely in February due to an airborne radiation leak."
"At least 3,706 cubic meters of radioactive waste are being stored at the Los Alamos National Laboratory complex after the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, an underground nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico, was shut down indefinitely in February due to an airborne radiation leak."
Why the Oil Industry is Running Into Major Trouble
"Spread across the oil companies' quarterly reports and the pronouncements of government agencies from the U.S. Energy Information Agency to the International Energy Agency are the hard facts that the era of cheap oil is over. It's impacting the U.S. and global economies and forcing a fundamental rethinking and restructuring of our economic activities and thinking."
"Spread across the oil companies' quarterly reports and the pronouncements of government agencies from the U.S. Energy Information Agency to the International Energy Agency are the hard facts that the era of cheap oil is over. It's impacting the U.S. and global economies and forcing a fundamental rethinking and restructuring of our economic activities and thinking."
Moyers: 10 Disgustingly Rich Companies That Will Do Anything To Avoid Paying Taxes
"Here’s a list of 10 tax-dodging corporations excerpted from the Americans for Tax Fairness report."
"Here’s a list of 10 tax-dodging corporations excerpted from the Americans for Tax Fairness report."
Guess Who Tried to Prevent the VA Crisis -- and Who Stood in Their Way!
"Meanwhile, it ranked at the top of quality rankings, better than all its private competitors, year after year. It was the best medical care system in America.
That is, until the troops came home.
"Republicans beat back a Democratic attempt to provide almost $2 billion in additional health care funding for veterans," reported the Washington Post in 2005, "rejecting claims that Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals are in crisis"."
"Meanwhile, it ranked at the top of quality rankings, better than all its private competitors, year after year. It was the best medical care system in America.
That is, until the troops came home.
"Republicans beat back a Democratic attempt to provide almost $2 billion in additional health care funding for veterans," reported the Washington Post in 2005, "rejecting claims that Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals are in crisis"."
Big Energy Money Foils Fracking Moratorium | Common Dreams
Big Energy Money Foils Fracking Moratorium | Common Dreams
"An effort to put a moratorium on fracking in the state of California failed to pass the state Senate on Wednesday following a spending blitz by the energy industry."
"An effort to put a moratorium on fracking in the state of California failed to pass the state Senate on Wednesday following a spending blitz by the energy industry."
May 30, 2014
5 Companies Ripping Off America and the Simple Tax Change That Could Make Them Pay Up
"Over the years many companies have been moving jobs, factories and profit centers out of the country solely so they can claim their profits are made outside of the U.S. The amounts involved are astronomical, up to $2 trillion in profits kept out of the country – which means up to $700 billion in taxes owed."
"Over the years many companies have been moving jobs, factories and profit centers out of the country solely so they can claim their profits are made outside of the U.S. The amounts involved are astronomical, up to $2 trillion in profits kept out of the country – which means up to $700 billion in taxes owed."
Clip: The Real Cost Of Corporate Tax Dodgers
Clip: The Real Cost Of Corporate Tax Dodgers
While hard-working Americans pay their fair share of taxes, many large corporations, bolstered by an army of lobbyists in Washington, are not.
While hard-working Americans pay their fair share of taxes, many large corporations, bolstered by an army of lobbyists in Washington, are not.
Remembering Maya Angelou: Fiery Poet of Peace
Remembering Maya Angelou: Fiery Poet of Peace
"On Wednesday morning Maya Angelou died in her North Carolina home at the age of 86. Throughout her life, the renowned poet, author, and activist touched the hearts of millions."
"On Wednesday morning Maya Angelou died in her North Carolina home at the age of 86. Throughout her life, the renowned poet, author, and activist touched the hearts of millions."
Why Do Republicans Always Say ‘I’m Not a Scientist’?
“I’m not a scientist” allows Republicans to avoid conceding the legitimacy of climate science while also avoiding the political downside of openly branding themselves as haters of science. The beauty of the line is that it implicitly concedes that scientists possess real expertise, while simultaneously allowing you to ignore that expertise altogether.
“I’m not a scientist” allows Republicans to avoid conceding the legitimacy of climate science while also avoiding the political downside of openly branding themselves as haters of science. The beauty of the line is that it implicitly concedes that scientists possess real expertise, while simultaneously allowing you to ignore that expertise altogether.
The Cause Is Us: World on Verge of Sixth Extinction | Common Dreams
The Cause Is Us: World on Verge of Sixth Extinction | Common Dreams
"The study, published Thursday by the journal Science and led by conservation expert Stuart Pimm, also warns that without drastic action, the sixth mass extinction could be imminent."
"The study, published Thursday by the journal Science and led by conservation expert Stuart Pimm, also warns that without drastic action, the sixth mass extinction could be imminent."
Rooftop Solar’s Emerging Markets Are In Middle-Class Neighborhoods
"Middle-class households are a major force in driving rooftop solar installations in emerging residential solar markets."
"Middle-class households are a major force in driving rooftop solar installations in emerging residential solar markets."
North Carolina Set To Legalize Fracking Without So Much As A Debate
North Carolina Set To Legalize Fracking Without So Much As A Debate
"Chris Hayes had Rep. Pricey Harrison on to talk about a law rammed through the legislature making it a crime to disclose fracking chemicals. What that law also does is legalize fracking."
"Chris Hayes had Rep. Pricey Harrison on to talk about a law rammed through the legislature making it a crime to disclose fracking chemicals. What that law also does is legalize fracking."
5 Craziest Laws Passed by GOP Legislators, Just This Month
"Only in D.C. does the Republican Party drop like an anvil on any improvements to the country that could conceivably pass through our bicameral legislature. In our various state houses, the GOP is busy passing laws rather than squashing them."
"Only in D.C. does the Republican Party drop like an anvil on any improvements to the country that could conceivably pass through our bicameral legislature. In our various state houses, the GOP is busy passing laws rather than squashing them."
Scott Walker is falling apart: The little corruption problem he just can’t shake
Scott Walker is falling apart: The little corruption problem he just can’t shake
"Well, Walker has a little corruption problem that he just can’t seem to shake."
"Well, Walker has a little corruption problem that he just can’t seem to shake."
Former NRO's John Derbyshire Attacks Maya Angelou As 'Talentless,' 'Affirmative Action Mediocrity'
Former NRO's John Derbyshire Attacks Maya Angelou As 'Talentless,' 'Affirmative Action Mediocrity'
"He's a proud racist, a loud misogynist and overall whack job of the first degree. And the fact that the NRO employed this man for so long tells you a lot about them."
"He's a proud racist, a loud misogynist and overall whack job of the first degree. And the fact that the NRO employed this man for so long tells you a lot about them."
No, seriously: Why is Glenn Beck mocking women who have experienced sexual assault and violent harassment?
No, seriously: Why is Glenn Beck mocking women who have experienced sexual assault and violent harassment?
"What is going on in Glenn Beck’s baby man garbage brain this week? Beck is always very, very terrible, but he is on something of a tear right now trying to minimize violence against women and girls."
"What is going on in Glenn Beck’s baby man garbage brain this week? Beck is always very, very terrible, but he is on something of a tear right now trying to minimize violence against women and girls."
Right-Wing Trolls Go Out Of Their Way To Offend Liberals By Trashing Maya Angelou
"Essentially, they felt that her death was the perfect time to troll."
"Essentially, they felt that her death was the perfect time to troll."
Wingnuts disrespect Maya Angelou: National Review’s shameful response to her death
Wingnuts disrespect Maya Angelou: National Review’s shameful response to her death
"it’s worthwhile to call this crap out is because of what it tells us about how the Republican Party’s ballyhooed attempts to rebrand and expand with minority communities is going."
"it’s worthwhile to call this crap out is because of what it tells us about how the Republican Party’s ballyhooed attempts to rebrand and expand with minority communities is going."
May 29, 2014
Renewable Energy Foes Poised to Return Ohio to ‘the Dark Ages’ | The Nation
Renewable Energy Foes Poised to Return Ohio to ‘the Dark Ages’ | The Nation
"The campaign against renewable standards in Ohio followed a standard pattern. Armed with model legislation, conservative lawmakers like state senators Bill Seitz and Kris Jordan— both members of ALEC —argued against renewables using economic analyses produced by research institutes in the Koch brothers’ network—in particular"
"The campaign against renewable standards in Ohio followed a standard pattern. Armed with model legislation, conservative lawmakers like state senators Bill Seitz and Kris Jordan— both members of ALEC —argued against renewables using economic analyses produced by research institutes in the Koch brothers’ network—in particular"
Fight War Not Climate Change: House GOP Tells Commie Pentagon To Forget About All That Global Warming Nonsense | Common Dreams
Fight War Not Climate Change: House GOP Tells Commie Pentagon To Forget About All That Global Warming Nonsense | Common Dreams
"As even our historically less-than-progressive military increasingly identifies climate change as a threat to national security, House Republicans in their infinite wisdom last week passed a bill blocking funding for any Pentagon program that tries to do anything about saving the planet that pretty much everyone at this point agrees is in danger."
"As even our historically less-than-progressive military increasingly identifies climate change as a threat to national security, House Republicans in their infinite wisdom last week passed a bill blocking funding for any Pentagon program that tries to do anything about saving the planet that pretty much everyone at this point agrees is in danger."
GOP Hypocrites Call Vets Benefits Too Expensive But Want a $600 Billion Tax Cut for Business
"Veterans didn’t risk their lives so that the Koch brothers could have another tax cut. Republicans would rather take from veterans and give to the business community. One year of the business tax cuts could pay for the veterans benefits nearly three times over. It’s a matter of priorities, and in the Republican mind, tax cuts are more important than veterans."
"Veterans didn’t risk their lives so that the Koch brothers could have another tax cut. Republicans would rather take from veterans and give to the business community. One year of the business tax cuts could pay for the veterans benefits nearly three times over. It’s a matter of priorities, and in the Republican mind, tax cuts are more important than veterans."
PERRspectives: McCain Repeatedly Declared U.S. Prevailed in Afghanistan 10 Years Ago
PERRspectives: McCain Repeatedly Declared U.S. Prevailed in Afghanistan 10 Years Ago
"John McCain, with his never-ending demands to deploy more American troops regardless of situation or circumstance, has been dangerously wrong on almost every question of U.S. national defense in the 21st century. The war in Afghanistan is no exception to that rule."
"John McCain, with his never-ending demands to deploy more American troops regardless of situation or circumstance, has been dangerously wrong on almost every question of U.S. national defense in the 21st century. The war in Afghanistan is no exception to that rule."
The right’s waste of money: Debunking Koch brothers’ lame, new, lie-filled ads
The right’s waste of money: Debunking Koch brothers’ lame, new, lie-filled ads
"Ads like the ones above, with their easily disproved lies and general lameness, don’t accomplish much beyond making AFP look silly."
"Ads like the ones above, with their easily disproved lies and general lameness, don’t accomplish much beyond making AFP look silly."
New Orleans Nearly Finished Killing Off Its Public Schools | Common Dreams
New Orleans Nearly Finished Killing Off Its Public Schools | Common Dreams
"The sabotage of New Orleans public schools included the mass-firing of 7,000 teachers, most of them African-American, and subsequent hiring of disproportionately white and young teachers, some of them hailing from Teach for America, the Post reports. While the teachers have since won a $1 billion lawsuit for wrongful termination, the privatization drive continues."
"The sabotage of New Orleans public schools included the mass-firing of 7,000 teachers, most of them African-American, and subsequent hiring of disproportionately white and young teachers, some of them hailing from Teach for America, the Post reports. While the teachers have since won a $1 billion lawsuit for wrongful termination, the privatization drive continues."
Koch-Bradley Charitable Complex Has At Least One Federal Judge In Their Pocket
Koch-Bradley Charitable Complex Has At Least One Federal Judge In Their Pocket
"Always handy to have a federal judge or two in your pocket, and there's certainly money in the Kochtopus budget to buy a couple, too. So now we know why Judge Randa not only ended the investigation but also ordered documents to be destroyed. It's all part of the paycheck."
"Always handy to have a federal judge or two in your pocket, and there's certainly money in the Kochtopus budget to buy a couple, too. So now we know why Judge Randa not only ended the investigation but also ordered documents to be destroyed. It's all part of the paycheck."
GOP is losing the Obamacare war: What a new lie reveals about the law’s success
GOP is losing the Obamacare war: What a new lie reveals about the law’s success
"Embattled Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell has an Obamacare problem, and not the one you think. His state’s version of the program, KyNect, is so popular and so successful, that if he tells voters outright that he wants to kill it, he might be killing his Senate career, too."
"Embattled Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell has an Obamacare problem, and not the one you think. His state’s version of the program, KyNect, is so popular and so successful, that if he tells voters outright that he wants to kill it, he might be killing his Senate career, too."
Obama's West Point Speech Blew Out Every Single Right Wing Talking Point
Obama's West Point Speech Blew Out Every Single Right Wing Talking Point
"President Obama took aim at the warmongers and the conspiracy theorists in his West Point speech on Wednesday. It was quite the speech, and he has successes to back it up."
"President Obama took aim at the warmongers and the conspiracy theorists in his West Point speech on Wednesday. It was quite the speech, and he has successes to back it up."
Moms to EPA: End Monsantos Poisoning of America | Common Dreams
Moms to EPA: End Monsantos Poisoning of America | Common Dreams
"It's time for Monsanto's Roundup to stop poisoning our food.
That was the message brought to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday by a group of concerned mothers who say that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the widespread herbicide made by the chemical and biotechnology giant, is putting public health in jeopardy."
"It's time for Monsanto's Roundup to stop poisoning our food.
That was the message brought to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday by a group of concerned mothers who say that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the widespread herbicide made by the chemical and biotechnology giant, is putting public health in jeopardy."
Beck Responds To Calif. Shooting With 'Rape’ Comedy Skit Mocking Sexual Assaults
Beck Responds To Calif. Shooting With 'Rape’ Comedy Skit Mocking Sexual Assaults
"Glenn Beck's The Blaze network recently created a comedy skit to illustrate a theory that women are not raped as often as studies have shown."
"Glenn Beck's The Blaze network recently created a comedy skit to illustrate a theory that women are not raped as often as studies have shown."
May 28, 2014
Kentucky Newspaper, Gov. Blasts Mitch McConnell Over Attacks On ACA, Support For Kynect
Kentucky Newspaper, Gov. Blasts Mitch McConnell Over Attacks On ACA, Support For Kynect
"One of the biggest newspapers in Kentucky is taking Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to task for his bizarre new position on Obamacare"
"One of the biggest newspapers in Kentucky is taking Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to task for his bizarre new position on Obamacare"
NC Senator Picks Fight With Veterans' Groups, Loses Badly
NC Senator Picks Fight With Veterans' Groups, Loses Badly
"Perhaps Senator Richard Burr should have taken a step back and considered whether it was wise to write an "open letter to veterans" blasting the organizations that fight for their interests while assuming he wouldn't get any kind of blowback over it. In his arrogance, he forgot that they were actually testifying in a hearing he didn't bother to engage in."
"Perhaps Senator Richard Burr should have taken a step back and considered whether it was wise to write an "open letter to veterans" blasting the organizations that fight for their interests while assuming he wouldn't get any kind of blowback over it. In his arrogance, he forgot that they were actually testifying in a hearing he didn't bother to engage in."
Is David Koch Getting a Tax Writeoff for Dropping $900K on the Walker Race?
Is David Koch Getting a Tax Writeoff for Dropping $900K on the Walker Race?
"The "charitable" wing of David Koch's Americans for Prosperity has dropped nearly $900,000 on ads to boost Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's reelection campaign, just days after polls showed Walker tied with his Democratic challenger, Mary Burke.
Incredibly, whomever provided the funding for the ads -- whether it was David Koch himself or a collection of deep-pocketed donors -- can write-off the expenses as a charitable contribution, just like a donation to a neighborhood church or the American Red Cross."
"The "charitable" wing of David Koch's Americans for Prosperity has dropped nearly $900,000 on ads to boost Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's reelection campaign, just days after polls showed Walker tied with his Democratic challenger, Mary Burke.
Incredibly, whomever provided the funding for the ads -- whether it was David Koch himself or a collection of deep-pocketed donors -- can write-off the expenses as a charitable contribution, just like a donation to a neighborhood church or the American Red Cross."
Bloody Bill Kristol Loses His Mind Over Afghan Troop Withdrawal
Bloody Bill Kristol Loses His Mind Over Afghan Troop Withdrawal
"Chickenhawk Bloody Bill Kristol who never found a war he wasn't willing to send someone else's children to go die in was outraged that President Obama announced he was going to draw down our troops in Afghanistan."
"Chickenhawk Bloody Bill Kristol who never found a war he wasn't willing to send someone else's children to go die in was outraged that President Obama announced he was going to draw down our troops in Afghanistan."
May 27, 2014
Michigan GOP Pushing Bill To Stop You From Suing Insurance Companies That Lie
"On May 8, 2014, Michigan House Republicans introduced House Bill 5558, the purpose of which is to ban customers from being able to sue an insurance company for lying to them. The bill was introduced by state representatives Kevin Cotter of Michigan’s 99th house district, Tom Leonard of house district 93 and Andrea LaFontaine of house district 32."
"On May 8, 2014, Michigan House Republicans introduced House Bill 5558, the purpose of which is to ban customers from being able to sue an insurance company for lying to them. The bill was introduced by state representatives Kevin Cotter of Michigan’s 99th house district, Tom Leonard of house district 93 and Andrea LaFontaine of house district 32."
PERRspectives: Chickenhawks and Cheapskates
PERRspectives: Chickenhawks and Cheapskates
"To be sure, the Chickenhawks and Deficit Hawks who routinely boast they most "support the troops" have an appalling way of showing it. By 2020, the twin wars and twin Bush tax cuts they so ardently advocated will have drained roughly $10 trillion from the United States Treasury."
"To be sure, the Chickenhawks and Deficit Hawks who routinely boast they most "support the troops" have an appalling way of showing it. By 2020, the twin wars and twin Bush tax cuts they so ardently advocated will have drained roughly $10 trillion from the United States Treasury."
Republican Warmongers Should Be Held Accountable for VA Scandal
"Breaking down the voting record, year after year, the pattern along party lines is clear: Republicans regularly propose cuts in VA funding and oppose increases sponsored by Democrats -- a pattern that extends back to the first years of the Iraq and Afghan conflicts and continues to this day."
"Breaking down the voting record, year after year, the pattern along party lines is clear: Republicans regularly propose cuts in VA funding and oppose increases sponsored by Democrats -- a pattern that extends back to the first years of the Iraq and Afghan conflicts and continues to this day."
Caring for Those Who Serve: Key Facts About the Veterans Affairs’ Health System in the Wake of the Waitlist Allegations
"This Memorial Day, in addition to remembering the men and women who died in service to our country, we must also meet our solemn obligation to provide all of our veterans with the best possible care and support."
"This Memorial Day, in addition to remembering the men and women who died in service to our country, we must also meet our solemn obligation to provide all of our veterans with the best possible care and support."
Veteran Suicide Is An Epidemic — Here’s What You Can Do To Help
"So on this Memorial Day weekend take the time and acknowledge our vets who took their own lives. Also, if you think someone may be suffering from PTSD or other mental illness, reach out to them. Encourage them to get help."
"So on this Memorial Day weekend take the time and acknowledge our vets who took their own lives. Also, if you think someone may be suffering from PTSD or other mental illness, reach out to them. Encourage them to get help."
May 26, 2014
The Wall Street Pension Scam
The Wall Street Pension Scam
"Every contract for managing pension fund money should be posted on the web and show in plain language the exact fee structure."
"Every contract for managing pension fund money should be posted on the web and show in plain language the exact fee structure."
FLASHBACK: Mainstream Media Largely Ignored GOP's Obstruction Of Veterans Health Bill
"While mainstream media coverage of the serious allegations of improper practices at certain Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health clinics has been extensive in recent weeks, a bill to expand health care for veterans that was blocked by Senate Republicans in February received little attention."
"While mainstream media coverage of the serious allegations of improper practices at certain Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health clinics has been extensive in recent weeks, a bill to expand health care for veterans that was blocked by Senate Republicans in February received little attention."
May 25, 2014
The One Video Everyone Needs To Remember On Memorial Day (VIDEO)
"Last February Senator Bernie Sanders (I) Vermont, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veteran’s Affairs introduced a bill that would provide $21 Billion dollars in benefits to veterans. The Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014 (S-1982) was supported by every major veteran’s organization. The bill was blocked 56-41 with all but two Republicans voting against it."
"Last February Senator Bernie Sanders (I) Vermont, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Veteran’s Affairs introduced a bill that would provide $21 Billion dollars in benefits to veterans. The Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014 (S-1982) was supported by every major veteran’s organization. The bill was blocked 56-41 with all but two Republicans voting against it."
Georgia declares all-out war on the poor
Georgia declares all-out war on the poor
"Two new bills show state officials have taken the lead in the mad dash to thwart the Affordable Care Act"
"Two new bills show state officials have taken the lead in the mad dash to thwart the Affordable Care Act"
How Republicans became the “stupid” party: Turning right, refusing to recognize facts and change
How Republicans became the “stupid” party: Turning right, refusing to recognize facts and change
"Here's the story of how the GOP fringes took over the mainstream"
"Here's the story of how the GOP fringes took over the mainstream"
The 10 Dumbest States In America Are Dominated By Republicans
"Since the Republican dominated states are not as smart, it is isn’t a big shock that they send right wing ideologues to Congress. The lack of collective intelligence leads to an electorate that tends to base their policies on belief instead of facts. These states are the home of the climate change deniers. They contain the same people who believe that unemployment benefits make people lazy, and Obamacare is socialism.
A lot of the dysfunction in the Republican Party can be traced back to the fact that the Republican base has dumbed itself down. The majority of these states are bedrock Republican country. The reason why so little is getting done is because it is impossible to come to an agreement when one political party refuses to be guided by facts."
"Since the Republican dominated states are not as smart, it is isn’t a big shock that they send right wing ideologues to Congress. The lack of collective intelligence leads to an electorate that tends to base their policies on belief instead of facts. These states are the home of the climate change deniers. They contain the same people who believe that unemployment benefits make people lazy, and Obamacare is socialism.
A lot of the dysfunction in the Republican Party can be traced back to the fact that the Republican base has dumbed itself down. The majority of these states are bedrock Republican country. The reason why so little is getting done is because it is impossible to come to an agreement when one political party refuses to be guided by facts."
The Right-Wing's 5 Most Insane Conspiracy Theories This Week
"this week in the land of right-wing conspiracies."
"this week in the land of right-wing conspiracies."
Single Moms Take Note: California Considers Raising the Minimum Wage to $13 | The Nation
Single Moms Take Note: California Considers Raising the Minimum Wage to $13 | The Nation
"California is one of twenty-seven states that already have a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum, which is currently stuck at $7.25 despite congressional Democrats’ and Obama’s efforts to raise it to $10.10 per hour"
"California is one of twenty-seven states that already have a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum, which is currently stuck at $7.25 despite congressional Democrats’ and Obama’s efforts to raise it to $10.10 per hour"
Anti-Gay Houston Official Threatens To Recall Mayor If Bill Prohibiting Discrimination Passes
"Houston’s city council is scheduled to vote Wednesday on an ordinance to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. But anti-gay activist and Houston Community College Board of Trustees member Dave Wilson (R) is threatening to recall openly lesbian Mayor Annise Parker (D) and any city council members who support the non-discrimination policy."
"Houston’s city council is scheduled to vote Wednesday on an ordinance to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. But anti-gay activist and Houston Community College Board of Trustees member Dave Wilson (R) is threatening to recall openly lesbian Mayor Annise Parker (D) and any city council members who support the non-discrimination policy."
May 24, 2014
Republicans Care About Vets So Much That They Blocked a Bill Expanding Veterans Benefits
"Senate Republicans love our veterans so much that they block a bill that would have built dozens of new VA clinics and facilities, blame President Obama for the VA scandal, then turn around and threaten to block a second attempt at building more facilities because they think it is too expensive.
Two billion dollars a year for ten years is too much money to spend on the people who risked their lives for their country. That is what Senate Republicans really think of veterans.
Every day, that construction gets delayed more vets are at risk of dying while stuck on waiting lists. That is a real world consequence of Senate Republican obstruction."
"Senate Republicans love our veterans so much that they block a bill that would have built dozens of new VA clinics and facilities, blame President Obama for the VA scandal, then turn around and threaten to block a second attempt at building more facilities because they think it is too expensive.
Two billion dollars a year for ten years is too much money to spend on the people who risked their lives for their country. That is what Senate Republicans really think of veterans.
Every day, that construction gets delayed more vets are at risk of dying while stuck on waiting lists. That is a real world consequence of Senate Republican obstruction."
Millions Worldwide March Against Monsanto | Common Dreams
Millions Worldwide March Against Monsanto | Common Dreams
"The third annual March Against Monsanto (MAM) is slated to be the biggest yet, according to movement founder Tami Canal, with millions of people in over 400 cities expected to take part."
"The third annual March Against Monsanto (MAM) is slated to be the biggest yet, according to movement founder Tami Canal, with millions of people in over 400 cities expected to take part."
Bernie Sanders Slams Tea Party Idiot Marco Rubio For Voting Against Veterans Benefits (Video)
Bernie Sanders Slams Tea Party Idiot Marco Rubio For Voting Against Veterans Benefits (Video)
"Rubio, along with the rest of the GOP, have developed a rather stunning habit of pandering to veterans from one hole, and speaking out to block every effort to care for them with the other. Most recently, Rubio was one of 41 Senate Republicans to block the passage of a bill that would have improved veterans’ benefits."
"Rubio, along with the rest of the GOP, have developed a rather stunning habit of pandering to veterans from one hole, and speaking out to block every effort to care for them with the other. Most recently, Rubio was one of 41 Senate Republicans to block the passage of a bill that would have improved veterans’ benefits."
Mississippi: US Senate Challenger Chris McDaniel Channels John Bircher Conspiracy Theories
Mississippi: US Senate Challenger Chris McDaniel Channels John Bircher Conspiracy Theories
"McDaniel’s fringe associations have been a matter of public record for some time: his Twitter account has retweeted white supremacists, and he gave talks to neoconfederate groups for years only to distance himself from them when he decided to run for national office."
"McDaniel’s fringe associations have been a matter of public record for some time: his Twitter account has retweeted white supremacists, and he gave talks to neoconfederate groups for years only to distance himself from them when he decided to run for national office."
Boehner Gets Embarrassed by Reporter’s Question, Blatantly Lies About Obstruction of Immigration Reform
"It’s not about passing a law which impacts the lives of millions of human beings, it’s about saving his own ass."
"It’s not about passing a law which impacts the lives of millions of human beings, it’s about saving his own ass."
Desperate Liar Mitch McConnell Gets Caught In His Own Obamacare Trap
"It looks like McConnell is caught in his own Obamacare trap. Too bad he and his party never tried to do anything to solve the healthcare crisis in this country — and have staked their entire party upon the public buying their smears about Obamacare — instead of realizing that once it was implemented, they would be running on kicking people off of insurance and that’s not as easy as telling Obamascare lies.
Kynect is Obamacare, and Senator McConnell knows it."
"It looks like McConnell is caught in his own Obamacare trap. Too bad he and his party never tried to do anything to solve the healthcare crisis in this country — and have staked their entire party upon the public buying their smears about Obamacare — instead of realizing that once it was implemented, they would be running on kicking people off of insurance and that’s not as easy as telling Obamascare lies.
Kynect is Obamacare, and Senator McConnell knows it."
May 23, 2014
One-And-Done: How a Judge’s Ruling Could End Scott Walker’s Governorship
"Unfortunately for Walker, you can only be a Koch stooge for so long before karma catches up with you."
"Unfortunately for Walker, you can only be a Koch stooge for so long before karma catches up with you."
House Republicans Hate Michelle Obama More Than They Love Kids
House Republicans Hate Michelle Obama More Than They Love Kids
"First Lady Michelle Obama is, in many ways, a more attractive target for conservatives than her Free-World-Leading husband, and this week, House Republicans took aim at the First Lady’s signature initiative. In their proposed fiscal year 2015 agriculture spending bill, the House GOP included a provision that would gut nutritional requirements in school lunches. The White House responded by saying that Mrs. Obama will continue to put the health of our children ahead of politics."
"First Lady Michelle Obama is, in many ways, a more attractive target for conservatives than her Free-World-Leading husband, and this week, House Republicans took aim at the First Lady’s signature initiative. In their proposed fiscal year 2015 agriculture spending bill, the House GOP included a provision that would gut nutritional requirements in school lunches. The White House responded by saying that Mrs. Obama will continue to put the health of our children ahead of politics."
Comcast Assembles Massive Lobbyist Army to Push Mega-Merger | Common Dreams
Comcast Assembles Massive Lobbyist Army to Push Mega-Merger | Common Dreams
"Internet and cable giant Comcast has assembled an army of lobbyists to drive through its proposed merger with its second largest cable competitor—Time Warner Cable. But media justice campaigners across the U.S. are determined to stop a deal they say would strike a blow against free speech, media diversity, and access to vital services."
"Internet and cable giant Comcast has assembled an army of lobbyists to drive through its proposed merger with its second largest cable competitor—Time Warner Cable. But media justice campaigners across the U.S. are determined to stop a deal they say would strike a blow against free speech, media diversity, and access to vital services."
Republicans Are Suing The FEC to Give The Koch Brothers More Power To Steal Your Vote
"Republicans haven’t learned anything from their wasted money in 2012. They still think that if they mess around with the rules enough, they can find the magic formula to buy the White House. Instead of fighting the Koch brothers for control of the Republican Party, the RNC has decided to hang a for sale sign on the front door.
This all part of the Republican plot to equate democracy with dollars, and to make money more powerful than votes. As long as the people continue to vote, the Koch brothers and the Republican Party will fail."
"Republicans haven’t learned anything from their wasted money in 2012. They still think that if they mess around with the rules enough, they can find the magic formula to buy the White House. Instead of fighting the Koch brothers for control of the Republican Party, the RNC has decided to hang a for sale sign on the front door.
This all part of the Republican plot to equate democracy with dollars, and to make money more powerful than votes. As long as the people continue to vote, the Koch brothers and the Republican Party will fail."
May 22, 2014
House Republicans Want to Limit School Lunch Program to Rural White Kids Only
"The Republican Party’s geographical bias, and the not so subtle racism that lies beneath their demographic prejudices is indeed mean-spirited."
"The Republican Party’s geographical bias, and the not so subtle racism that lies beneath their demographic prejudices is indeed mean-spirited."
Oklahoma School Board Members Met Hobby Lobby President Privately To Avoid Public Meeting Rules
"The Associated Press (AP) has obtained documents suggesting that Oklahoma school board officials and Hobby Lobby executives colluded in what was quite possibly an illegal scheme to ensure that the district would approve the teaching of Bible-based curriculum while also avoiding any input from the public in regards to that decision."
"The Associated Press (AP) has obtained documents suggesting that Oklahoma school board officials and Hobby Lobby executives colluded in what was quite possibly an illegal scheme to ensure that the district would approve the teaching of Bible-based curriculum while also avoiding any input from the public in regards to that decision."
Rand Paul and Marco Rubio’s worst nightmare: Trapped between crazy GOP base and actual reality
Rand Paul and Marco Rubio’s worst nightmare: Trapped between crazy GOP base and actual reality
"Eventually someone will win the GOP nomination. But the sorry state of the field today is not an accident. It’s a reflection of the party’s ideological exhaustion, and the extremist reaction that has followed."
"Eventually someone will win the GOP nomination. But the sorry state of the field today is not an accident. It’s a reflection of the party’s ideological exhaustion, and the extremist reaction that has followed."
How Right-Wingers Are Amping Up Their War on Science and Reality
"Republicans are taking their science denialism to striking new levels."
"Republicans are taking their science denialism to striking new levels."
Americans Are More Likely to Be Killed by Right-Wing Terrorists Than Muslims—But the Media's Afraid to Say It
"Despite the far Right’s history of deadly violence, it is jihadist violence that continues to dominate media headlines and the attention of policy makers. The Southern Poverty Law Center calculates there are 939 far right-wing hate groups across the country today, including neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, border vigilantes and others."
"Despite the far Right’s history of deadly violence, it is jihadist violence that continues to dominate media headlines and the attention of policy makers. The Southern Poverty Law Center calculates there are 939 far right-wing hate groups across the country today, including neo-Nazis, Klansmen, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, border vigilantes and others."
Fox News Finds A Way To Blame Obama For Conservative Filmmaker’s Confession To Breaking The Law
"Fox News’ Megyn Kelly had conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza on her show for his first interview after he pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance law. Calling it a sympathetic interview would be an understatement, because Kelly used nearly the entire time to suggest that President Obama is the real person to blame."
"Fox News’ Megyn Kelly had conservative filmmaker and author Dinesh D’Souza on her show for his first interview after he pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance law. Calling it a sympathetic interview would be an understatement, because Kelly used nearly the entire time to suggest that President Obama is the real person to blame."
Fox Can't Think Of One Republican Who Wants To Take Away The Right To Vote
"Fox host Steve Doocy couldn't think of one Republican "who wants to take away the right to vote," despite the frenzy of GOP-led states passing voting restriction laws and the acknowledgement of a Republican politician that the efforts are aimed to win elections."
"Fox host Steve Doocy couldn't think of one Republican "who wants to take away the right to vote," despite the frenzy of GOP-led states passing voting restriction laws and the acknowledgement of a Republican politician that the efforts are aimed to win elections."
House Republican Calls Voting Rights A ‘Loaded Gun’ That Should Only Belong To Property Owners
"Since young people and minorities are more likely to vote for Democrats, stripping them of their right to vote via property restrictions would literally steal elections for Republicans."
"Since young people and minorities are more likely to vote for Democrats, stripping them of their right to vote via property restrictions would literally steal elections for Republicans."
New poll finds “Tea Party” brand in deep trouble
New poll finds “Tea Party” brand in deep trouble
"Republicans are still electing far right candidates. But the Tea Party's reputation is another story entirely"
"Republicans are still electing far right candidates. But the Tea Party's reputation is another story entirely"
MS Tea Party Leader Arrested In Ted Cochran Photo Case
MS Tea Party Leader Arrested In Ted Cochran Photo Case
"The vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party and one other suspect have been arrested in connection with the photographing of the bedridden wife Rose Cochran of U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran."
"The vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party and one other suspect have been arrested in connection with the photographing of the bedridden wife Rose Cochran of U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran."
Sign of the Times? More Towns Warned They Could Run Out of Drinking Water | Common Dreams
Sign of the Times? More Towns Warned They Could Run Out of Drinking Water | Common Dreams
"Over 30 areas in drought-plagued Texas have been given a warning their municipal water systems are at risk of soon running out of water."
"Over 30 areas in drought-plagued Texas have been given a warning their municipal water systems are at risk of soon running out of water."
Bernie Sanders Smacks Down Marco Rubio For Betraying Veterans On The Senate Floor
"In February, Rubio was one of forty-one Senate Republicans who blocked a bill that would have improved veterans’ benefits. It is amazing that he and his fellow Republicans have the nerve to stand up and suggest that they care about vets, when they have done nothing but obstruct bills for veterans for years."
"In February, Rubio was one of forty-one Senate Republicans who blocked a bill that would have improved veterans’ benefits. It is amazing that he and his fellow Republicans have the nerve to stand up and suggest that they care about vets, when they have done nothing but obstruct bills for veterans for years."
Oil & Gas Industry Averages 20 Spills A Day For 2013 — And That’s Not All! (VIDEO)
"An EnergyWire analysis released May 12 concluded that the U.S. gas and oil industry was liable for at least 7,662 spills of various nature and devastation in 2013 alone, averaging roughly 20 spills per day."
"An EnergyWire analysis released May 12 concluded that the U.S. gas and oil industry was liable for at least 7,662 spills of various nature and devastation in 2013 alone, averaging roughly 20 spills per day."
GOP congressmen: Repairing oil pipes with trash bags and duct tape is an “innovative” solution
GOP congressmen: Repairing oil pipes with trash bags and duct tape is an “innovative” solution
"Patching up leaky oil pipes with trash bags and duct tape isn’t an insufficient, lazy and potentially dangerous way to protect wildlife refuges, say two Louisiana congressmen. In fact, the DIY repair work is downright “innovative"."
"Patching up leaky oil pipes with trash bags and duct tape isn’t an insufficient, lazy and potentially dangerous way to protect wildlife refuges, say two Louisiana congressmen. In fact, the DIY repair work is downright “innovative"."
The GOP Death Panel
The GOP Death Panel
"In fact, according to a new study out of Harvard University, as many as 17,000 people will die in America just this year as a direct result of the GOP's refusal to expand Medicaid."
"In fact, according to a new study out of Harvard University, as many as 17,000 people will die in America just this year as a direct result of the GOP's refusal to expand Medicaid."
New Chris Christie Scandal: NJ Gov Gave Pension Fund Billions to Wall Streeters Who Bankrolled His Campaigns
"Christie appears to have broken state and federal anti-corruption laws with impunity."
"Christie appears to have broken state and federal anti-corruption laws with impunity."
New Populism Conference Featuring Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Rev. William Barber | Common Dreams
New Populism Conference Featuring Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Rev. William Barber | Common Dreams
"The New Populism Conference, hosted by the Campaign for America's Future, is an all-day event focused on strategies for educating, energizing and mobilizing around an agenda for economic change that strong majorities of Americans already support"
"The New Populism Conference, hosted by the Campaign for America's Future, is an all-day event focused on strategies for educating, energizing and mobilizing around an agenda for economic change that strong majorities of Americans already support"
House Republicans move to slash summer food aid to urban kids, but can’t explain why
"In a new draft of the House GOP Agriculture bill, Republicans have sought to save money by slashing summertime food aid to inner city children while continuing to assist children living in rural poverty."
"In a new draft of the House GOP Agriculture bill, Republicans have sought to save money by slashing summertime food aid to inner city children while continuing to assist children living in rural poverty."
Evangelical Group: Climate Change Is A ‘Pro-Life’ Issue
"A group of Evangelical Christians are calling on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to create a plan to mitigate and adapt to climate change, hoping that their message will resonate with Scott’s staunch Christian values."
"A group of Evangelical Christians are calling on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to create a plan to mitigate and adapt to climate change, hoping that their message will resonate with Scott’s staunch Christian values."
Pope Francis Makes Biblical Case For Addressing Climate Change: ‘If We Destroy Creation, Creation Will Destroy Us’
"Pope Francis made the religious case for tackling climate change on Wednesday, calling on his fellow Christians to become “Custodians of Creation” and issuing a dire warning about the potentially catastrophic effects of global climate change."
"Pope Francis made the religious case for tackling climate change on Wednesday, calling on his fellow Christians to become “Custodians of Creation” and issuing a dire warning about the potentially catastrophic effects of global climate change."
May 21, 2014
Tide is Turning as Oregon Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Ban of GE Crops | Common Dreams
Tide is Turning as Oregon Voters Overwhelmingly Approve Ban of GE Crops | Common Dreams
"In a victory for sustainable food advocates everywhere, two counties in Oregon on Tuesday voted to ban the cultivation of genetically engineered (GE) crops."
"In a victory for sustainable food advocates everywhere, two counties in Oregon on Tuesday voted to ban the cultivation of genetically engineered (GE) crops."
May 20, 2014
New GOP Bill: Jail Time If You Reveal What Frackers Are Poisoning Your Drinking Water With
"Republicans in North Carolina are busy using the power of government to punish citizens protecting their right not to be poisoned for profit."
"Republicans in North Carolina are busy using the power of government to punish citizens protecting their right not to be poisoned for profit."
House Democrats Try to Put the Brakes on Sleazy Corporate Efforts to Avoid Paying Taxes
"The reason why we can’t “afford” spending on infrastructure and education is that House Republicans are letting giant American corporations avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes.
If corporations are people, some of the biggest members of the corporate community are sleazy deadbeats. What the House Democrats proposed today is the sort of legislation that the country could look forward to if Democrats controlled Congress.
The issue isn’t about screwing corporations. It’s about getting deadbeats to pay their fair share. Regular folks have carried the load for too long. It is time for the free ride to end, and for wealthy corporations to stop dodging their taxes."
"The reason why we can’t “afford” spending on infrastructure and education is that House Republicans are letting giant American corporations avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes.
If corporations are people, some of the biggest members of the corporate community are sleazy deadbeats. What the House Democrats proposed today is the sort of legislation that the country could look forward to if Democrats controlled Congress.
The issue isn’t about screwing corporations. It’s about getting deadbeats to pay their fair share. Regular folks have carried the load for too long. It is time for the free ride to end, and for wealthy corporations to stop dodging their taxes."
In Alaska Senate Race, A Fierce Competition To Prove Who Knows Less About Climate Science
"The tea party-affiliated candidate for Alaska’s open U.S. Senate seat is challenging his Republican primary opponents to “come clean” about their beliefs on man-made climate change, saying he’s the only true skeptic of the bunch."
"The tea party-affiliated candidate for Alaska’s open U.S. Senate seat is challenging his Republican primary opponents to “come clean” about their beliefs on man-made climate change, saying he’s the only true skeptic of the bunch."
GOP Senator Attacks Retired Military Brass for Saying Climate Change Threatens Security
"Republican Sen. James Inhofe is once again dismissing a report on climate change, attacking the integrity of the report's authors. While that's not news in itself, the targets of Inhofe's derision are 16 retired three- and four-star generals and admirals."
"Republican Sen. James Inhofe is once again dismissing a report on climate change, attacking the integrity of the report's authors. While that's not news in itself, the targets of Inhofe's derision are 16 retired three- and four-star generals and admirals."
Global Warming is Melting and Burning the Planet | Common Dreams
Global Warming is Melting and Burning the Planet | Common Dreams
"According to new data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Tuesday, April 2014 tied the one in 2010 as the hottest April since records began."
"According to new data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Tuesday, April 2014 tied the one in 2010 as the hottest April since records began."
Marco Rubio Defends His Climate Denialism With Unscientific Rant On Abortion
"Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who has recently come under fire for failing to name a single source to justify his assertion that “there’s no scientific evidence” to prove humans are contributing to climate change, is defending his comments by claiming that at least he knows the science about abortion."
"Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who has recently come under fire for failing to name a single source to justify his assertion that “there’s no scientific evidence” to prove humans are contributing to climate change, is defending his comments by claiming that at least he knows the science about abortion."
This GOP Senate Candidate's Company Paid Millions to Women in Discrimination Cases
"And the GOP wonders why it has a woman problem."
"And the GOP wonders why it has a woman problem."
The Religious Right Is Using Hatred To Try To Fundamentally Transform America
"There is precious little any American can do to halt the march toward theocracy after the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, or the impending decision in the Hobby Lobby case giving free rein to any evangelical to ignore any law or statute if they claim it violates their “free exercise of religion.” There is nothing as dangerous as religion left unchecked, and according to the Manhattan Declaration there is no aspect of American society or culture that evangelical Christians will not attack with the same religious fervor of Europe’s Inquisition, Salem witch trials, or Taliban’s religious tyranny. If any American thinks for a minute they will not be targeted by the Christian right, they only need peruse the Manhattan Declaration and shudder because it reveals they hate everything about American society and culture that is not steeped in Old Testament dogmata. Most Americans are aware of how non-compliance was dealt with in the bible and if they are not, look at how the Taliban dealt with violations of Islamic law and substitute Islamic with conservative Christian."
"There is precious little any American can do to halt the march toward theocracy after the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, or the impending decision in the Hobby Lobby case giving free rein to any evangelical to ignore any law or statute if they claim it violates their “free exercise of religion.” There is nothing as dangerous as religion left unchecked, and according to the Manhattan Declaration there is no aspect of American society or culture that evangelical Christians will not attack with the same religious fervor of Europe’s Inquisition, Salem witch trials, or Taliban’s religious tyranny. If any American thinks for a minute they will not be targeted by the Christian right, they only need peruse the Manhattan Declaration and shudder because it reveals they hate everything about American society and culture that is not steeped in Old Testament dogmata. Most Americans are aware of how non-compliance was dealt with in the bible and if they are not, look at how the Taliban dealt with violations of Islamic law and substitute Islamic with conservative Christian."
Anti-Obama Activist Pleads Guilty To Charges Conservatives Widely Dismissed As Political Payback
"Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative filmmaker and author behind the widely-debunked and discredited film 2016: Obama’s America pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a charge of illegally contributing to a New York Republican’s U.S. Senate campaign in the names of other donors."
"Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative filmmaker and author behind the widely-debunked and discredited film 2016: Obama’s America pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a charge of illegally contributing to a New York Republican’s U.S. Senate campaign in the names of other donors."
New Study Proves Republicans Are Significantly More Likely To Lie Than Democrats
"the lying gap between Republicans and Democrats is widening as President Barack Obama spends more time in office."
"the lying gap between Republicans and Democrats is widening as President Barack Obama spends more time in office."
McConnell Ignores Impact Of Republican-Forced Austerity On VA Budget
McConnell Ignores Impact Of Republican-Forced Austerity On VA Budget
"Finally, the Arizona issues were a result of concealment on the part of the Arizona VA director, who was not meeting benchmarks and didn't want to be held accountable for that. General Shinseki was not the liar, but the one who was lied to.
If Republicans actually gave a rat's ass about veterans' health care, they would have done something before they dropped hundreds of thousands of troops into Iraq and Afghanistan. For them to concern troll over it now is offensive, cynical, and shameworthy.
Mitch McConnell's appearance on Faux News won't do a damned thing for those veterans still waiting for health care, but a little less publicity and a little more action on his part just might. Get to work, Senator McConnell."
"Finally, the Arizona issues were a result of concealment on the part of the Arizona VA director, who was not meeting benchmarks and didn't want to be held accountable for that. General Shinseki was not the liar, but the one who was lied to.
If Republicans actually gave a rat's ass about veterans' health care, they would have done something before they dropped hundreds of thousands of troops into Iraq and Afghanistan. For them to concern troll over it now is offensive, cynical, and shameworthy.
Mitch McConnell's appearance on Faux News won't do a damned thing for those veterans still waiting for health care, but a little less publicity and a little more action on his part just might. Get to work, Senator McConnell."
Former VA Governor Will Face Trial On Corruption Charges
Former VA Governor Will Face Trial On Corruption Charges
"U.S. District Judge James Spencer in Richmond, Virginia, ruled today that U.S. prosecutors sufficiently supported their charges in the McDonnells’ indictment."
"U.S. District Judge James Spencer in Richmond, Virginia, ruled today that U.S. prosecutors sufficiently supported their charges in the McDonnells’ indictment."
Thanks to the Roberts Court, Corporations Have More Constitutional Rights Than Actual People | The Nation
Thanks to the Roberts Court, Corporations Have More Constitutional Rights Than Actual People | The Nation
"While representative democracy is dysfunctional, the Supreme Court has taken over with its own reactionary power grab. In case after case, the court’s right-wing majority is making its own law—expanding the power of corporations and the very wealthy, while making it harder for ordinary citizens to fight back."
"While representative democracy is dysfunctional, the Supreme Court has taken over with its own reactionary power grab. In case after case, the court’s right-wing majority is making its own law—expanding the power of corporations and the very wealthy, while making it harder for ordinary citizens to fight back."
We Must End the Madness of Nuclear Weapons
We Must End the Madness of Nuclear Weapons
"Nothing good has ever come of nuclear weapons. Nothing good ever will. For the sake of all humanity, current and future, it's time to respect the law and keep the promise."
"Nothing good has ever come of nuclear weapons. Nothing good ever will. For the sake of all humanity, current and future, it's time to respect the law and keep the promise."
Koch Cadre Billionaire Defends Nazi Comments
Koch Cadre Billionaire Defends Nazi Comments
"Ken Langone, the billionaire Home Depot founder, GOP donor and an ally of Charles and David Koch, clumsily defended his March 2014 comments comparing populist criticism of the 1% with the rise of Nazi Germany, in an interview with Capital New York published this week."
"Ken Langone, the billionaire Home Depot founder, GOP donor and an ally of Charles and David Koch, clumsily defended his March 2014 comments comparing populist criticism of the 1% with the rise of Nazi Germany, in an interview with Capital New York published this week."
Factory Farms Are Bad for Your Health | Common Dreams
Factory Farms Are Bad for Your Health | Common Dreams
"Every single day, factory farms feed their animals low doses of antibiotics to make them grow faster and prevent disease in filthy, crowded living conditions. In fact, the factory farming industry uses 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the U.S. And now, the medical community is warning that the medicines we’ve been relying on since the 1940s may no longer work when we need them."
"Every single day, factory farms feed their animals low doses of antibiotics to make them grow faster and prevent disease in filthy, crowded living conditions. In fact, the factory farming industry uses 80 percent of the antibiotics sold in the U.S. And now, the medical community is warning that the medicines we’ve been relying on since the 1940s may no longer work when we need them."
Credit Suisse Guilty On US Felony Charge, Pays $2.6 Bn
Credit Suisse Guilty On US Felony Charge, Pays $2.6 Bn
"Credit Suisse pleaded guilty and was fined $2.6 billion for helping Americans avoid taxes, the first time in 20 years a major bank has been punished on US criminal charges."
"Credit Suisse pleaded guilty and was fined $2.6 billion for helping Americans avoid taxes, the first time in 20 years a major bank has been punished on US criminal charges."
11 Things The Koch Brothers Don't Want You To Know, From Robert Greenwald's Newly Updated Documentary
"The Kochs have invested multi-millions in more than 85 right-wing organizations over the years to push an anti-government, libertarian agenda. Many local Tea Party chapters were fronts for Americans for Prosperity, one of their groups. Another big recipient, ALEC, or the American Legislative Exchange Council, drafts bills and talking points that Republican officials cite again and again. In the 2012 presidential election cycle, the Koch’s right-wing donor network spent $400 million on electioneering."
"The Kochs have invested multi-millions in more than 85 right-wing organizations over the years to push an anti-government, libertarian agenda. Many local Tea Party chapters were fronts for Americans for Prosperity, one of their groups. Another big recipient, ALEC, or the American Legislative Exchange Council, drafts bills and talking points that Republican officials cite again and again. In the 2012 presidential election cycle, the Koch’s right-wing donor network spent $400 million on electioneering."
May 19, 2014
Cries of Injustice as Occupy Wall Street Organizer Sentenced to Prison | Common Dreams
Cries of Injustice as Occupy Wall Street Organizer Sentenced to Prison | Common Dreams
"Cecily McMillan, the Occupy Wall Street organizer convicted of felony assault of the police officer she says sexually assaulted her, was sentenced Monday to three months in prison, five years of probation and community service."
"Cecily McMillan, the Occupy Wall Street organizer convicted of felony assault of the police officer she says sexually assaulted her, was sentenced Monday to three months in prison, five years of probation and community service."
This AT&T/DirecTV merger is a nightmare: Why we should all be very afraid
This AT&T/DirecTV merger is a nightmare: Why we should all be very afraid
"Antitrust is a joke. AT&T's deal to buy DirecTV is just one more step on the way to total consolidation"
"Antitrust is a joke. AT&T's deal to buy DirecTV is just one more step on the way to total consolidation"
In Georgia, Lawmakers Taking Pride in Policies That Hurt the Poor
In Georgia, Lawmakers Taking Pride in Policies That Hurt the Poor
"House Bill 990 moves the authority to expand Medicaid out of the Governor’s office and over to lawmakers. In a state where conservative politics run deep, HB 990 is Governor Deal’s clever way of way of ensuring Medicaid expansion will never get passed, and abdicating all responsibility for the health and economic consequences that will surely result. The second bill, HB 943, restricts state and local agencies and their employees from advocating for Medicaid expansion, bans the creation of a state health insurance exchange, and prohibits the University of Georgia from continuing its navigator program once its original federal grant expires in August."
"House Bill 990 moves the authority to expand Medicaid out of the Governor’s office and over to lawmakers. In a state where conservative politics run deep, HB 990 is Governor Deal’s clever way of way of ensuring Medicaid expansion will never get passed, and abdicating all responsibility for the health and economic consequences that will surely result. The second bill, HB 943, restricts state and local agencies and their employees from advocating for Medicaid expansion, bans the creation of a state health insurance exchange, and prohibits the University of Georgia from continuing its navigator program once its original federal grant expires in August."
Portland Is First US City to Divest Funds From Walmart
Portland Is First US City to Divest Funds From Walmart
"On Thursday, May 15, the city of Portland got rid of $9 million, or 25 percent, of its investments in Walmart. This marks the beginning of a divestment program that will purge Portland's investment portfolio of $36 million in Walmart bonds by 2016, according to a press release."
"On Thursday, May 15, the city of Portland got rid of $9 million, or 25 percent, of its investments in Walmart. This marks the beginning of a divestment program that will purge Portland's investment portfolio of $36 million in Walmart bonds by 2016, according to a press release."
‘Moral Mondays’ Activists Slam North Carolina’s New Restrictions On Protests, Prepare To Defy Them
"North Carolina lawmakers announced strict new rules limiting where and how citizens can protest in the state Legislative Building on Thursday, a move many see as an attempt to stifle the progressive “Moral Monday” protests that continue to gain momentum in the Tar Heel state."
"North Carolina lawmakers announced strict new rules limiting where and how citizens can protest in the state Legislative Building on Thursday, a move many see as an attempt to stifle the progressive “Moral Monday” protests that continue to gain momentum in the Tar Heel state."
North Carolina GOP Pushes Unprecedented Bill to Jail Anyone Who Discloses Fracking Chemicals
"As hydraulic fracturing ramps up around the country, so do concerns about its health impacts. These concerns have led 20 states to require the disclosure of industrial chemicals used in the fracking process.
North Carolina isn't on that list of states yet—and it may be hurtling in the opposite direction.
On Thursday, three Republican state senators introduced a bill that would slap a felony charge on individuals who disclosed confidential information about fracking chemicals."
"As hydraulic fracturing ramps up around the country, so do concerns about its health impacts. These concerns have led 20 states to require the disclosure of industrial chemicals used in the fracking process.
North Carolina isn't on that list of states yet—and it may be hurtling in the opposite direction.
On Thursday, three Republican state senators introduced a bill that would slap a felony charge on individuals who disclosed confidential information about fracking chemicals."
Ask This State Whether A Higher Minimum Wage Kills Jobs
"Washington state has the country's highest minimum wage and also tops the chart for small business job growth."
"Washington state has the country's highest minimum wage and also tops the chart for small business job growth."
How You'll Get Screwed If Conservatives Kill the U.S. Postal Service
"In 2006, a Republican-dominated Congress passed a bill forcing USPS to pre-fund future health benefits for retirees for the next 75 years (which Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has characterized as an “onerous financial burden”). To make matters worse, USPS has been facing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And a combination of Republicans, Libertarians and neoliberal Blue Dog Democrats have been calling for drastic service cuts and privatization schemes. Ted DeHaven, budget analyst for the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, has repeatedly called for the total privatization of the U.S. Postal Service."
"In 2006, a Republican-dominated Congress passed a bill forcing USPS to pre-fund future health benefits for retirees for the next 75 years (which Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has characterized as an “onerous financial burden”). To make matters worse, USPS has been facing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And a combination of Republicans, Libertarians and neoliberal Blue Dog Democrats have been calling for drastic service cuts and privatization schemes. Ted DeHaven, budget analyst for the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, has repeatedly called for the total privatization of the U.S. Postal Service."
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