October 13, 2016

Sorry, GOP, Donald Trump Is Your Monster--It's Time To Own Him

"The Republican Party's complacency and encouragement has led to this moment. They hitched their wagon to this deplorable horse and now they are trying desperately to get away from him as he runs right off a cliff at full gallop. But they can't.  Donald Trump did not occur in a vacuum. He is the result of their failure to govern. He is the result of their divisive rhetoric. He is the result of their Southern Strategy. He is the result of their continued scorched earth attacks on President Obama. He is the result of their welfare queen myth. He is the result of their LGBT hate. He is the result of their bigotry. He is the result of their war on women. No amount of endorsement pulling and distancing themselves from him is going to save their party; the damage is done. Donald Trump is the GOP's just deserts. Now grab a spoon and eat up"