November 24, 2015

Republicans Have Made Their Move Toward A Full-On Embrace Of Fascism

Republicans Have Made Their Move Toward A Full-On Embrace Of Fascism

"Bigotry, Racism and Prejudice are often used to unify their followers: This is a strategic tactic which does happen to be taken straight from Nazi Germany. At that time they used the Jewish people as a scapegoat for nearly all of their nation’s problems. When you use propaganda, exploit fear, push hate and repeat it over and over and over – it’s very possible to get large groups of people to act completely irrationally and against their own interests. Right now we’ve seen Trump rise to the top of the GOP presidential pack by mostly lying, pushing ridiculous propaganda and using racism and bigotry against Mexicans and Muslims to prey on the fears of some and unify his support. No matter what you show his followers to prove how unrealistic it is to build a wall, or deport 12 million people – or even point out stats showing that it’s nearly impossible for a terrorist to come to the United States via our refugee program – it doesn’t have the slightest impact on what they think. Right now in this country the Republican party has made racism, bigotry and prejudice acceptable mainstream political positions once again. Sadly, none of their supporters seem to believe that they’re racist, bigoted or prejudiced. That’s called indoctrination."