August 8, 2015

These guys want to gut America: 6 ways the GOP has obliterated American opportunity—and how we can start fighting back

These guys want to gut America: 6 ways the GOP has obliterated American opportunity—and how we can start fighting back

"A quick note about those two broad Republican lies: In reality, Democrats are much better than Republicans for the economy, as shown by more than a dozen studies discussed by Eric Zeusse in his 2012 book, “They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010.” (The less said specifically about the Bush family record, particularly on job creation —less than 4 million in 12 years—the better.) As for the second lie, overall growth stopped helping most Americans back in the 1970s, when the GOP’s neoliberal “trickle down” economics began replacing the social democratic policies, from the New Deal to the Great Society, which had produced decades of shared prosperity."