March 27, 2014

Conservatives and Hobby Lobby Are Wrong: Plan B, Ella & IUDs Do Not Cause Abortions
"Conservatives seek to take this liberty away from women due to some entitlement they feel over the majority of the country. Furthermore, even the guise of this horror show is inaccurate. According to a study by Guttmacher, the abortion rate fell by 13% under Obama.
You want to know what actually reduces abortions? Two things: Sex education/family planning and access to affordable birth control – the two things that Republicans are against and have defunded. They don’t get to call themselves “pro-life” when they don’t really care about actually reducing abortion. This is all about Obama hate. It’s driving them so mad that they are now in court arguing to take ownership of the majority of this country’s unfertilized eggs.
If Hobby Lobby is successful, the scores of women unable to afford emergency contraception will impact their male partners as well, whose lives will also be changed forever because of Hobby Lobby’s religious beliefs."